Kamoka OIL filter Touareg
Engine Oil Filter
One of the most important components of your vehicle is its oil filter. Early engines didn’t have the tight tolerances and fragile technologies as they do today such as variable valve timing controlled by electronically controlled oil pressure. Instead, they were less complex, didn’t use oil filters, and ran on the poorest grade oil imaginable. Today there are various types of oil filters used and the truth is that they are not all created equal. Purchasing a high-quality Original Equipment oil filter is imperative as they conform to the highest of industry standards designed by the manufacturers for your vehicle. For example, there are some aftermarket oil filters out there that used the poorest quality filter media material. The poor quality media tends to break down quickly under normal driving conditions and can actually induce particles into your oil instead of filtering them out. Small particles can make their way into the crankcase damaging crankshafts, bearings, and other high-dollar components. When choosing oil and an oil filter for your car, make sure you choose high-quality components, for your engine’s sake.
Engine Oil Filter Failure Symptoms
? Crumbling Filter Media
? Torn Filter Media
? Excessive dirt and contaminants in oil
? Engine Failure
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